Color-blocking has been popular this year, especially in fashion. I have tried color-blocking but couldn't get it right. I have no color-blocking photos, mostly because I did not think it worked. I have always been a black or white or neutral-colored girl and find it hard to incorporate colorful pieces into my wardrobe, especially strong colors. As they say, fashion is not for the faint-hearted. I admit, I don't like to experiment. If it works, it's good, and it's for keeps. But today, as I was inquiring at Air21 about their latest package rates, I saw the chance to color-block! :D :D :D
Wearing a dress that was my sister's, which she gave to me because she's worse than me; she's more afraid of color. :P I'm also wearing thrifted red flats and holding a vintage blazer.
P.S. If you have nothing to do on Sunday night (or before/after checking the Krispy Kreme outlet at IT Park) and you're here in Cebu City, join us at The Outpost for a gear swap.
Just Got Lucky Shop will be there [sorry, I'm not very outdoorsy, I'll only be selling less than 10 items, but my boyfriend, who's very outdoorsy, will be selling some of his outdoor gears]. Girls, bring your boys. I think they'll love the event. Boys, bring your boys, and your girls so they'd understand you. Hahaha. :P